Yoga Therapy & Clinic
Life Coaching & Guidance Counselling

Post Graduate
Teacher Trainers& Mentors
For Qualified Yoga Teachers & Student Teachers In Training Who Are Looking To Advance and Upgrade Their Understanding Of Yoga & Teaching Skills.
01. We will help you recognize that yoga is more than just a physical set of movement and exercises and knowledge of anatomy. Your yoga class should be more than a just a physically based experience for your students.
02 . We will teach you how to prepare a yoga class. This will enable you to build a class plan so you can teach a meaningful, metaphysical class to your students. This will assist you in guiding your students to create their own goals and life's purpose.
03. Yoga is 50 percent physical and 50 percent mental. Understanding each side will allow you to have the confidence to teach a sound and meaningful class which will build good relationships with your students.
04.. We can help you facilitate training workshops for yoga teacher training courses which will explore the physical, emotional mental and spiritual aspect of yoga.
Since 2001 the Yoga ± Clinic has been working with, mentoring and guiding graduate yoga teachers. We also work with student teacher trainees from many disciplines and training centres as well as Yoga Centers who are training teacher trainee yoga courses.
Our holistic approach, simultaneously works on the body, mind, and spirit allowing the yoga teacher to learn how to practice effective alternative methods of yoga , variations and healing methods for correcting the body and its many ailments both physically and metaphysically to each student they may have in their class - be the class a group session or a private session.
The practice of a Yoga class should be a combination of but not limited to :
Limbering and Stretching - to open up the body and work on flexibility.
Pranayama - breathing exercises and conscious control of the breath.
Asana - how and why to consciously place your students into postures and work with the mind and body and soul
Class Meditation - discussing how to work with group to quieten the mind from internal thoughts and focus on the class they are in.
Relaxation - (Nidra) to dissolve stress and tension from the body, and release the old suppressed thoughts and feelings from the subconscious.
Mental & Philosophical Application - creating a theme for the class, understanding what you are doing, why you are doing it and understanding how to make yoga work for your students , and how you can teach your students to incorporate their own understandings and beliefs they have into their practice and into their every day living.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions you need some answered regarding our services.
Flexible Learning Options
In this ONE DAY intensive you can choose a day that suits you,
Spending a full day together is a a great way to deepen your knowledge and understanding of yoga.
Explore the different dimensions of yoga and yourself, and all its health benefits your students should be receiving in their classes , be it physical, emotional, mental, spiritual - the day workshop is for you and however deep you want to delve!
It is an opportunity to immerse yourself in discovering the true benefits of yoga and the deeper esoteric aspects to each posture. Get away for the day and enjoy a custom made learning program for yourself with lunch conversation and good company.
The day is packed with content, partner work, instruction, practice and explanations of all the why and how. It is a full day, and so much fun! You will be guided step-by-step through the day, and you will be totally surprise with yourself at just how much you learn in just ONE day.
Spend the day in the yoga studio, or alternatively, I am able to travel to you if you prefer to spend the day at home. Or its always nice to do parts of the workshop in the park or by the river which just just down the road from the studio (weather permitting). An enriching day, with a program that is completely tailor made exclusively for you and the modality of yoga which you have learnt.
A good time for a workshop is to start at 9.30 in the morning and finish around 4.30 in the afternoon- but open to more flexible options that can work around your schedule. *lunch is provided and part of the course.
A five private sessions is also a great option to met up it can be weekly monthly be flexible around the times and we can together work through the program how it suits you.
Full Day Workshop / Mentoring and Training $1500
5 Mentoring and Training sessions $1500
Single Mentoring and Training Session on $395